I. – The territorial mental health project referred to inarticle L. 3221-2:
1° Promotes health care and social or medico-social support for people in their ordinary living environment, in particular through the development of ambulatory organisation methods in the health, social and medico-social fields;
2° Enables the structuring and coordination of health care and social and medico-social support services;
3° Determines the framework for second-level coordination and implements it in the organisation of local care pathways, which are based in particular on the mission of sector psychiatry.
II. – Second-level coordination makes it possible to guarantee access for people suffering from mental disorders to the diversified care methods and techniques mentioned in I of article L. 3221-2 when they are not available locally, particularly within the local areas constituted by the psychiatric sectors.
III. – The diversified care methods and techniques are aimed at promoting mental health, continuously improving the physical and psychological state of health of people, promoting people’s abilities and maintaining or engaging them in an active social and civic life.
IV. – The shared territorial diagnosis and the territorial mental health project are adopted by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency after the consultations provided for in IV of article L. 3221-2. The territorial mental health project is adopted for a period of five years. The shared territorial diagnosis and the territorial mental health project are published by the agency. They may be revised in accordance with the same procedure as that used to draw them up and after the same consultations.