I. – The priority of the territorial mental health project is to organise the conditions for the early identification of mental disorders, the development of a diagnosis and access to care and social or medico-social support, in accordance with the latest scientific data and good professional practice.
To this end, it provides for the organisation of :
1° Access to specialist advice for patients cared for by primary care professionals, in particular general practitioners;
2° Access to care and support within timescales appropriate to the nature of the situation;
3° Access to specific services available at regional or inter-regional level.
II. – In order to achieve these objectives, the territorial mental health project is based on :
1° Mobilising and raising the awareness of those involved in the early detection of disorders, in particular early childhood professionals, professionals from the national education system, higher education, child welfare and the judicial protection of young people ;
2° Psychiatric professionals, in particular as part of the local psychiatric services provided underarticle L. 3221-3, and the support these professionals provide to social and medico-social players faced with situations of psychological decompensation or distress;
3° Social and medico-social players and their support for psychiatric professionals, through the earliest possible implementation of appropriate support solutions, particularly for complex situations;
4° Health, social and medico-social professionals providing their own support to relatives and families in their role as local carers.
III. – The territorial mental health project takes account of this priority by providing responses to the problems of specific at-risk populations such as children, adolescents, the elderly, people with disabilities, people in custody, people in precarious situations, people with addictive behaviours, victims of psycho-trauma, families requiring support for parenthood, and isolated people.