The départements may award an operating grant to the local structures of representative trade union organisations which have legal personality and which carry out missions of general interest at département level. These structures may not transfer the subsidies to other legal entities and must report on their use in the report mentioned in article L. 3231-3-1.
Subsidies are awarded by the deliberative assemblies of these local authorities. Agreements concluded, where applicable, with the local structures of representative trade union organisations, pursuant to Article 10 of Act no. 2000-321 du 12 avril 2000 modifiée relative aux droits des citoyens dans leurs relations avec les administrations et du décret n° 2001-495 du 6 juin 2001 pris pour son application, are attached to the deliberations awarding these grants when the transmission provided for in articles L. 3131-1 et L. 3131-2.