The order of the first president of the court of appeal or his delegate is not subject to opposition.
An appeal in cassation is open to the foreign national, the prefect of the department or, in Paris, the police prefect and the public prosecutor.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum | Regulatory part | Book III: ENTRY TO FRANCE | Title IV: WAITING AREA | Chapter II: STAYING IN A WAITING AREA | Section 3: Appeal procedures | Subsection 2: Appeal to the Court of Cassation | Article R342-19 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum
The order of the first president of the court of appeal or his delegate is not subject to opposition.
An appeal in cassation is open to the foreign national, the prefect of the department or, in Paris, the police prefect and the public prosecutor.
L’ordonnance du premier président de la cour d’appel ou de son délégué n’est pas susceptible d’opposition.
Le pourvoi en cassation est ouvert à l’étranger, au préfet du département ou, à Paris, au préfet de police et au ministère public.
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