The authorisations provided for in Article 230-16 are issued under the following conditions:
1° For national police officers carrying out judicial police duties, either by the heads of the national police territorial services, or by the heads of the active services at the police headquarters or, where applicable, the police prefect, or by the heads of the national police central services or, where applicable, the director general to whom they report ;
2° For members of the national gendarmerie units carrying out judicial police missions, either by the group commanders, or by the gendarmerie commanders in the overseas departments and collectivities and in New Caledonia, or by the regional commanders, or by the specialised gendarmerie commanders, or by the deputy director of the judicial police or, where applicable, by the director general of the national gendarmerie ;
3° For agents of the national judicial customs service, within their legal remit, by the magistrate delegated to the judicial missions of the customs or, where applicable, by the director general of customs and indirect rights.