1° A new activity, among those mentioned in article L. 4211-9-2 ;
2° The manufacture or import of a new category of investigational advanced therapy medicinal product;
3° The manufacture or import of a new pharmaceutical form or a new pharmaceutical product not mentioned in the current authorisation;
4° The implementation of a new pharmaceutical manufacturing or import operation;
5° The creation of premises in which pharmaceutical manufacturing, import or storage operations are carried out;
6° The removal of premises in which production and quality control operations are carried out.
II – The application for authorisation to modify is sent to the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé by the legal entity requesting the authorisation, by any means giving a date certain.
It specifies the nature of the change requested.
It is accompanied by a technical dossier adapted to the type of amendment applied for, the form and content of which are specified by decision of the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé, published on the Agency’s website.
In the absence of a complete dossier, the Director General will inform the applicant, by any means giving a date certain, of the information that is missing or incomplete, stating the time limit for providing it.
The Managing Director shall notify the applicant of his decision within thirty days from the date of receipt of the application accompanied by a complete file.
The Director General may request any additional information and initiate an administrative investigation by one of his agents or an on-site investigation by an inspector mentioned in Articles L. 5313-1 and L. 5313-3, to enable him to reach a decision on the application. To this end, it may extend the period provided for in the previous paragraph by ninety days. In this case, it will notify the applicant of the decision to extend.
If no decision has been taken by the end of either of the aforementioned periods, the application for modification will be rejected.
III – In the event of modification of the initial authorisation, the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé will inform the Director General of the Regional Health Agency or Agencies concerned.