Articles R. 4214-9 to R. 4214-12 also apply to main thoroughfares on company premises, as well as to thoroughfares used for surveillance and regular maintenance of company facilities.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book II: Provisions applicable to workplaces | Title I: Obligations of the client for the design of workplaces | Chapter IV: Workplace safety | Section 2: Traffic routes and access | Article R4214-13 of the French Labour Code
Articles R. 4214-9 to R. 4214-12 also apply to main thoroughfares on company premises, as well as to thoroughfares used for surveillance and regular maintenance of company facilities.
Les articles R. 4214-9 à R. 4214-12 s’appliquent également aux voies de circulation principales sur le terrain de l’entreprise, ainsi qu’aux voies de circulation utilisées pour la surveillance et l’entretien régulier des installations de l’entreprise.
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