The application for registration of a société de participations financières de profession libérale de pharmaciens d’officine is submitted by a joint representative appointed by the partners. It must be accompanied by the following documents
1° A copy of the company’s Articles of Association ;
2° A receipt of the application for registration of the company filed with the registry responsible for keeping the register of commerce and companies at the location of the registered office;
3° A list of the members, indicating for each of them the category of person or company referred to in article R. 5125-24-2 in respect of which they are a member and the share of capital they hold in the company;
4° Any agreement relating to the operation of the company or relations between members.
The application for registration is accompanied, where applicable, by an information memorandum designating the liberal practice companies whose shares in the share capital are held, at the time of its incorporation, by the société de participations financières de profession libérale and specifying the breakdown of capital resulting from these holdings for each of them.