The floor and walls of toilets must be made of impermeable materials to enable effective cleaning.
The employer shall ensure that toilets and urinals are cleaned and disinfected at least once a day.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book II: Provisions applicable to workplaces | Title II: Employer's obligations regarding use of the workplace | Chapter VIII: Sanitary facilities, catering and accommodation | Section 1: Sanitary installations | Subsection 4: Toilet cubicles | Article R4228-13 of the French Labour Code
The floor and walls of toilets must be made of impermeable materials to enable effective cleaning.
The employer shall ensure that toilets and urinals are cleaned and disinfected at least once a day.
Le sol et les parois des cabinets d’aisance sont en matériaux imperméables permettant un nettoyage efficace.
L’employeur fait procéder au nettoyage et à la désinfection des cabinets d’aisance et des urinoirs au moins une fois par jour.
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