Where, due to the characteristics of the personal protective equipment, it is not possible to affix the CE marking on the copies, it will appear on the packaging.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book III: Work equipment and means of protection | Title I: Design and placing on the market of work equipment and means of protection | Chapter III: Conformity certification procedures | Section 1: Pre-marketing formalities | Subsection 1: Machinery, partly completed machinery and personal protective equipment, new or regarded as new | Paragraph 1: Machinery and personal protective equipment | Article R4313-4 of the French Labour Code
Where, due to the characteristics of the personal protective equipment, it is not possible to affix the CE marking on the copies, it will appear on the packaging.
Lorsque, compte tenu des caractéristiques de l’équipement de protection individuelle, l’apposition du marquage CE sur les exemplaires n’est pas possible, celui-ci figure sur l’emballage.
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