In addition to the EC type-examination procedure, the following personal protective equipment, new or considered as new, is subject, at the manufacturer’s choice, either to the EC quality assurance system procedure defined by Articles R. 4313-57 to R. 4313-61, or to the EC production quality assurance system procedure with surveillance defined by Articles R. 4313-62 to R. 4313-74:
1° Filtering respiratory protection devices which protect against solid or liquid aerosols or dangerous or radiotoxic gases;
2° Respiratory protection devices which totally isolate from the intervention atmosphere and diving devices;
3° Personal protection equipment offering protection limited in time against chemical attack or ionising radiation;
4° Equipment for use in hot environments, the effects of which are comparable to those of an air temperature equal to or greater than 100°C, with or without infrared radiation, flames or large splashes of molten material;
5° Equipment for use in cold environments, the effects of which are comparable to those of an air temperature equal to or less than 50°C;
6° Personal protective equipment designed to protect against falls from a height;
7° Personal protective equipment designed to protect against electrical risks for work involving dangerous voltage or equipment used as insulation against high voltage.