The electrical installations of work equipment are made in such a way as to prevent risks of electrical origin, in accordance with the requirements laid down by order of the ministers responsible for labour and agriculture.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book III: Work equipment and means of protection | Title II: Use of work equipment and protective equipment | Chapter IV: Use of work equipment not subject to design rules when first placed on the market | Section 1: Common technical requirements | Subsection 5: Electrical and fire risks | Article R4324-21 of the French Labour Code
The electrical installations of work equipment are made in such a way as to prevent risks of electrical origin, in accordance with the requirements laid down by order of the ministers responsible for labour and agriculture.
Les installations électriques des équipements de travail sont réalisées de façon à prévenir les risques d’origine électrique, conformément aux prescriptions fixées par arrêté des ministres chargés du travail et de l’agriculture.
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