For the purposes of 2° of article L. 434-7, a dwelling is considered to be normal if it:
1° Has a total living area of at least:
a) in zones A bis and A: 22 m² for a household without children or two people, increased by 10 m² per person up to eight people and by 5 m² per additional person above eight people;
b) in zones B1 and B2: 24 m² for a household without children or two people, increased by 10 m² per person up to eight people and by 5 m² per additional person above eight people;
c) in zone C: 28 m² for a childless household or two people, increased by 10 m² per person up to eight people and by 5 m² per additional person above eight people;
2° Meets the health and equipment conditions set out in articles 2 and 3 of decree no. 2002-120 of 30 January 2002 relating to the characteristics of decent housing taken for the application of article 187 of law no. 2000-1208 of 13 December 2000 relating to solidarity and urban renewal.
The zones A bis, A, B1, B2 and C mentioned in this article are those defined for the application of article R. 304-1 of the Code de la construction et de l’habitation.