The average concentration of asbestos fibres over eight hours’ work does not exceed ten fibres per litre. It is monitored in the air inhaled by the worker.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book IV: Prevention of certain risks of exposure | Title I: Chemical risks | Chapter II: Chemical risk prevention measures | Section 3: Risks of exposure to asbestos | Subsection 2: Provisions common to all operations involving risks of exposure to asbestos | Paragraph 2: Occupational exposure limit value | Article R4412-100 of the French Labour Code
The average concentration of asbestos fibres over eight hours’ work does not exceed ten fibres per litre. It is monitored in the air inhaled by the worker.
La concentration moyenne en fibres d’amiante, sur huit heures de travail, ne dépasse pas dix fibres par litre. Elle est contrôlée dans l’air inhalé par le travailleur.
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