Article R4412-1 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of this section apply to activities in which workers are exposed or are likely to be exposed to hazardous chemical agents in the course of their work.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book IV: Prevention of certain risks of exposure | Title I: Chemical risks | Chapter II: Chemical risk prevention measures
The provisions of this section apply to activities in which workers are exposed or are likely to be exposed to hazardous chemical agents in the course of their work.
For the purposes of this Chapter: 1° Activity involving chemical agents means any work in which chemical agents are used or intended to be used in any process, including production, handling, storage, transport, disposal and treatment, or in the course of which such agents are produced; 2° Chemical agent means any chemical element or compound, either in its natural state or in a mixture, as it occurs in nature or…
For the purposes of this chapter, a hazardous chemical agent is : 1° Any chemical agent mentioned in Article R. 4411-6; 2° Any chemical agent which, although not meeting the criteria for classification, as such or in a mixture, may present a risk to the health and safety of workers due to its physico-chemical, chemical or toxicological properties and the ways in which it is present in the workplace or…
For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply 1° “Hazard” means the intrinsic property of a chemical agent which is likely to have a harmful effect; 2° “Risk” means the probability that the potential for harm will be achieved under the conditions of use and/or exposure; 3° “Health surveillance” means the assessment of a worker’s state of health in relation to his exposure to specific chemical agents…
The employer shall assess the risks to the health and safety of workers arising from any activity likely to present a risk of exposure to hazardous chemical agents. This assessment must be repeated periodically, particularly when there is any significant change in conditions that could affect the health or safety of workers.
When assessing risks, the employer shall take into account, in particular: 1° The hazardous properties of the chemical agents present in the workplace ; 2° The health and safety information provided by the chemical supplier in accordance with articles R. 4411-1-1, R. 4411-73 and R. 4411-84 ; 3° Any additional information it may require, obtained from the supplier or other readily available sources; 4° The nature, degree and duration of…
The risk assessment includes all activities within the company or establishment, including servicing and maintenance.
Any new activity involving hazardous chemical agents may only be undertaken once a risk assessment has been carried out and appropriate preventive measures implemented.
The results of the chemical risk assessment are communicated, in an appropriate form, to the social and economic committee and, in the absence of staff representation, to any worker involved in the company, as well as to the occupational physician. This communication takes place, in particular, following an update of the assessment results or any significant change in working methods and conditions likely to affect the health and safety of…
The results of the risk assessment are recorded in the single risk assessment document provided for in Article R. 4121-1.
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