The provisions of this section apply to activities in which workers are exposed or are likely to be exposed in the course of their work to carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic chemical agents. They do not preclude special measures taken by decree for certain carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic agents or processes.
The activities mentioned in the first paragraph are not subject to the provisions of section 1 with the exception of the following provisions:
1° Definitions of sub-section 1;
2° Measures and provisions to be taken against the dangers arising from the chemical and physico-chemical properties of chemical agents provided for in articles R. 4412-17 and R. 4412-18 ;
3° Measures to be taken in the event of intervention in a confined space provided for in article R. 4412-22 ;
4° Periodic inspections of collective protection installations and equipment as provided for in sub-section 4;
5° Measures to be taken in the event of an accident or incident as provided for in sub-section 6;
6° Workstation instructions as provided for in article R. 4412-39;
7° Monitoring of workers’ health as provided for in sub-section 8 of the first section of this chapter.