On the basis of the risk assessment, the employer draws up a demolition, removal or encapsulation plan using a teleservice, accessible on the internet via a user account and implemented by the minister responsible for labour, entitled: “DEMAT @ MIANTE platform”.
This plan is drawn up on behalf of the employer on the DEMAT @ MIANTE platform by a referent or any person holding a user account, depending on the scope of the works contract to which it corresponds. The data corresponding to the referent or user account holder is shown on the plan. The plan also specifies the following data:
1° The location of the area to be treated ;
2° The quantities of asbestos handled;
3° The location and description of the site environment where the work will be carried out;
4° The start date and probable duration of the work;
5° The number of workers involved;
6° A description of the process or processes involved;
7° The dust measurement programme for the process(es) implemented;
8° The dust control procedures defined in articles R. 4412-126 to R. 4412-128 ;
9° The characteristics of the equipment used for the protection and decontamination of workers as well as those of the means of protecting other persons present on the site or in the vicinity of the work;
10° The characteristics of the equipment used for waste disposal;
11° Procedures for decontaminating workers and equipment;
12° Procedures for managing excavated material, backfill and waste;
13° Working hours and times determined in application of Articles R. 4412-118 and R. 4412-119 ;
14° The technical files provided for in articles R. 1334-29-4 to R. 1334-29-6 of the Public Health Code and article R. 111-45 of the Building and Housing Code or, where applicable, the asbestos detection report provided for in article R. 4412-97-5 of this Code;
15° The workstation manuals provided for in Article R. 4412-39;
16° A provisional aeraulic assessment, drawn up by the employer, for work carried out under confinement, for the purpose of planning and sizing the equipment needed to control air flows;
17° A summary list of the workers likely to be assigned to the site and the person or persons likely to be contacted on the site of the operation. It mentions the dates of validity of the workers’ certificates of competence, the dates of medical examinations and specifies the names of any first-aid workers assigned to the site and the dates of validity of their training;
18° In the case of demolition, the procedures for the prior removal of asbestos and articles containing it, or justification for the absence of removal in accordance with Article R. 4412-135 ;
19° Measures for the rescue of persons in the event of slight injury or requiring external assistance;
20° The measures for withdrawing the installations and returning the site of the operation, specifying where applicable the procedures for decontaminating tools, equipment and materials.
The certifying body or bodies of the company concerned will receive the information mentioned in 19° and 20° via the DEMAT @ MIANTE platform.
Changes to the works contract or to the processes result in changes to the demolition, removal or encapsulation plan by means of an amendment, which is also drawn up and transmitted using the DEMAT @ MIANTE platform. All other changes to the content of this plan give rise to information drawn up and transmitted using this platform, under the conditions set out in article R. 4412-138.