Article R4412-125 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of this sub-section apply to the work mentioned in 1° of Article R. 4412-94.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book IV: Prevention of certain risks of exposure | Title I: Chemical risks | Chapter II: Chemical risk prevention measures | Section 3: Risks of exposure to asbestos | Subsection 3: Provisions specific to encapsulation and removal of asbestos or articles containing it
The provisions of this sub-section apply to the work mentioned in 1° of Article R. 4412-94.
The employer shall determine the level of dust generated by each work process in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of subsection 2. To this end, it shall implement a programme for measuring the levels of dust generated by its processes, comprising two phases: 1° An assessment of the level of dust generated on the test site ; 2° A phase in which this assessment is validated by a…
Prior to any work being carried out, the employer shall check the initial state of asbestos fibre dust in the air, in accordance with the provisions of article R. 1334-25 of the Public Health Code.
In order to ensure that asbestos fibres are not dispersed into the environment around the work site and adjacent premises, the employer shall check compliance with the value set in Article R. 1334-29-3 of the Public Health Code by measuring dust levels: 1° In the area approaching the work area ; 2° In the recovery area 3° At points in the building in which the work is being carried out;…
In order to carry out the work provided for in this sub-section, the client will use a company that can demonstrate its ability to carry out this work by obtaining certification issued by certifying bodies.
The activities of the company which are the subject of certification by the certifying bodies are determined on the basis of the single risk assessment document provided for in article R. 4121-1. The certification bodies have access to this document.
An order of the Minister for Labour determines : 1° The conditions and procedures for accreditation of the certification bodies mentioned in Article R. 4412-129 on the basis of the technical reference system of the body responsible for accreditation ; 2° The procedures and criteria for certifying companies, taking into account, in particular, the human resources available, organisational procedures, equipment and techniques used, as well as the conditions for issuing…
A company from a Member State of the European Union not established in France may carry out the work provided for in this sub-section if it holds a certificate issued by that State on the basis of a reference system offering guarantees similar to those resulting from this paragraph and attesting to its competence to implement any standardised or similar method, applicable on national territory, in the field for which…
On the basis of the risk assessment, the employer draws up a demolition, removal or encapsulation plan using a teleservice, accessible on the internet via a user account and implemented by the minister responsible for labour, entitled: “DEMAT @ MIANTE platform”. This plan is drawn up on behalf of the employer on the DEMAT @ MIANTE platform by a referent or any person holding a user account, depending on the…
The data in the demolition, removal or encapsulation plan, including its amendments and the content of the information mentioned in Article R. 4412-133, are kept for ten years on the DEMAT @ MIANTE platform. At the end of this period, the data mentioned in 1° to 20° of the same article are archived for a further period of forty years by the Minister responsible for labour. The data mentioned in…
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