The technical instructions specifying the procedures for the medical examinations to be carried out by occupational health physicians are determined, where necessary, by joint order of the ministers responsible for labour and agriculture.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book IV: Prevention of certain risks of exposure | Title I: Chemical risks | Chapter II: Chemical risk prevention measures | Section 1: Provisions applicable to hazardous chemical agents | Subsection 8: Monitoring workers' health | Paragraph 2: Individual health monitoring | Sub-paragraph 1: Individual monitoring and additional examinations | Article R4412-49 of the French Labour Code
The technical instructions specifying the procedures for the medical examinations to be carried out by occupational health physicians are determined, where necessary, by joint order of the ministers responsible for labour and agriculture.
Les instructions techniques, précisant les modalités des examens médicaux que respectent les médecins du travail, sont déterminées, en tant que de besoin, par arrêté conjoint des ministres chargés du travail et de l’agriculture.
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