On the basis of the results of the initial risk assessment provided for in subsection 2, for each process implemented, the employer shall draw up operating instructions specifying in particular:
1° The nature of the work ;
2° The materials involved;
3° The frequency and procedures for checking the level of dust in the process used and compliance with the occupational exposure limit value;
4° A description of the working methods and technical means used;
5° The workstation instructions provided for in Article R. 4412-39;
6° The characteristics of the equipment used for the protection and decontamination of workers as well as those of the means of protecting other persons present at or near the work site;
7° Procedures for decontaminating workers and equipment;
8° Waste management procedures;
9° Working hours and times determined in application of articles R. 4412-118 and R. 4412-119.
The operating procedure is appended to the single risk assessment document.