Article R4412-144 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of this sub-section apply to the work mentioned in 2° of Article R. 4412-94.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book IV: Prevention of certain risks of exposure | Title I: Chemical risks | Chapter II: Chemical risk prevention measures | Section 3: Risks of exposure to asbestos | Subsection 4: Special provisions for work on materials, equipment, materials or articles likely to cause the emission of asbestos fibres
The provisions of this sub-section apply to the work mentioned in 2° of Article R. 4412-94.
On the basis of the results of the initial risk assessment provided for in subsection 2, for each process implemented, the employer shall draw up operating instructions specifying in particular: 1° The nature of the work ; 2° The materials involved; 3° The frequency and procedures for checking the level of dust in the process used and compliance with the occupational exposure limit value; 4° A description of the working…
When the operating procedure is drawn up or modified, it is subject to the opinion of the occupational physician and the social and economic committee.
The operating procedure is sent to the Labour Inspectorate control officer and to the agents of the prevention departments of the social security bodies within whose territorial jurisdiction the establishment is located and, where appropriate, to the professional prevention body for the building and public works sector. A new transmission is made when it is updated. Before the operating procedure is implemented for the first time, it is sent to…
When the foreseeable duration of the work is more than five days, the employer shall also send the Labour Inspectorate monitoring officer and the prevention department of the social security body in the place where the work is to be carried out and, where applicable, the Office Professionnel de Prévention du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (Occupational Prevention Office for Building and Public Works): 1° The place, starting date and…
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