When the foreseeable duration of the work is more than five days, the employer shall also send the Labour Inspectorate monitoring officer and the prevention department of the social security body in the place where the work is to be carried out and, where applicable, the Office Professionnel de Prévention du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (Occupational Prevention Office for Building and Public Works):
1° The place, starting date and probable duration of the work ;
2° The location of the area to be treated and a description of the working environment at the site of the work;
3° The technical files provided for in articles R. 1334-29-4 to R. 1334-29-6 of the Public Health Code and article R. 111-45 of the Building and Housing Code or, where applicable, the asbestos detection report provided for in article R. 4412-97-5 of this Code;
4° The list of workers involved. This list mentions the dates on which the workers’ certificates of competence were issued, the dates of their medical check-ups and specifies, where applicable, the names of the first-aid workers assigned to the site and the dates on which their training was valid.