In order to maintain or restore health conditions in the affected area, the agents must be eliminated in such a way as not to create new risks for workers or the environment of the establishment.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book IV: Prevention of certain risks of exposure | Title I: Chemical risks | Chapter II: Chemical risk prevention measures | Section 2: Special provisions for hazardous chemical agents that are carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction | Subsection 5: Measures in the event of accidents or incidents | Article R4412-85 of the French Labour Code
In order to maintain or restore health conditions in the affected area, the agents must be eliminated in such a way as not to create new risks for workers or the environment of the establishment.
Afin de maintenir ou restaurer les conditions de salubrité dans la zone affectée, l’élimination des agents est réalisée de telle sorte qu’elle ne crée pas de nouveaux risques pour les travailleurs de l’établissement ou l’environnement de ce même établissement.
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