I.-In New Caledonia and French Polynesia, each disciplinary chamber referred to in articles L. 4441-2, L. 4441-13 and L. 4441-16 comprises, in addition to its president, four full members and four alternate members elected by the body of the Association of New Caledonia or French Polynesia from among the members of the general assembly of doctors, dental surgeons or midwives respectively, entered on the most recent roll published by the body of the Association of New Caledonia or French Polynesia.
II. -In the event of failure or impossibility for the body of the Association to elect members, the members shall be elected by the National Council, from among the members of the general assembly of doctors, dental surgeons or midwives registered on the most recent roll published by the body of the Association in New Caledonia or French Polynesia.
III – Members of the Association may not be members of the Disciplinary Chamber.