I.-Articles R. 4234-23 to R. 4234-33 and R. 4234-35 to R. 4234-40 are applicable in New Caledonia and French Polynesia in their version resulting from decree no. 2022-381 of 16 March 2022, subject to the adaptations provided for in II.
II.-For their application in New Caledonia and French Polynesia:
1° The third and fourth paragraphs of article R. 4234-30 do not apply;
2° In article R. 4234-33:
a) Paragraph 3 is replaced by the following provisions: “to the President of the Government of New Caledonia or French Polynesia”;
b) Paragraph 5 is replaced by the following provisions: “to the Representative of the State in New Caledonia or French Polynesia”;
c) Paragraph 8 is not applicable;
3° In article R. 4234-35:
a) In the first paragraph of article R. 4234-35, the words: “in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of article L. 4234-6” are replaced by the words: “in the third and fourth paragraphs of article L. 4443-4”;
b) The second paragraph does not apply;
4° In article R. 4234-36, the words: “in articles L. 5124-4, L. 5125-16, L. 5142-8 and L. 6213-10-1” are replaced by the words: “by locally applicable regulations having the same purpose”.