A joint order of the ministers responsible for labour and agriculture shall lay down the following for the application of this subsection:
1° The terms and conditions for implementing the monitoring of workers’ exposure to ionising radiation as provided for in Article R. 4451-65 ;
2° The terms and conditions for implementing the monitoring of workers’ exposure to ionising radiation in situations of long-term exposure as provided for in Article R. 4451-1, 6°; 3° The terms and conditions for communicating, to the information and monitoring system for exposure to ionising radiation, the administrative data required to manage the results of the monitoring of exposure to ionising radiation. 4451-1;
3° The procedures and conditions for communicating to the information and monitoring system for exposure to ionising radiation the administrative data required to manage the results of monitoring workers’ exposure;
4° The terms and conditions of access to the information and monitoring system for exposure to ionising radiation;
5° The deadlines, frequencies and material resources used for access to and transmission of information collected under this subsection;
6° The conditions and procedures for accreditation by the French Accreditation Committee or by any other body mentioned in Article R. 4724-1 of the body, service and laboratory mentioned in Article R. 4451-65.