The radiation protection advisor who considers that a worker’s exposure may constitute a significant event informs the worker, the employer and the occupational physician.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book IV: Prevention of certain risks of exposure | Title V: Prevention of risks of exposure to radiation | Chapter I: Prevention of risks of exposure to ionising radiation | Section 9: Monitoring personal exposure of workers | Subsection 3: Significant events and exceedance of limit values | Paragraph 1: Significant event | Article R4451-76 of the French Labour Code
The radiation protection advisor who considers that a worker’s exposure may constitute a significant event informs the worker, the employer and the occupational physician.
Le conseiller en radioprotection qui estime que l’exposition d’un travailleur peut constituer un événement significatif en informe ce dernier, l’employeur et le médecin du travail.
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