Article R4451-74 of the French Labour Code
For the purposes of this sub-section, a significant event is any event likely to result in one of the limit values laid down in Articles R. 4451-6, R. 4451-7 and R. 4451-8 being exceeded.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book IV: Prevention of certain risks of exposure | Title V: Prevention of risks of exposure to radiation | Chapter I: Prevention of risks of exposure to ionising radiation | Section 9: Monitoring personal exposure of workers | Subsection 3: Significant events and exceedance of limit values
For the purposes of this sub-section, a significant event is any event likely to result in one of the limit values laid down in Articles R. 4451-6, R. 4451-7 and R. 4451-8 being exceeded.
I.-The occupational physician who considers that the exposure of a worker may constitute a significant event, informs the employer and the radiation protection advisor in a named form excluding any quantitative notion of dose. II -When the worker is working in an establishment outside his company, the occupational physician in charge of monitoring the worker’s state of health will inform the occupational physician of the establishment in which the worker…
The radiation protection advisor who considers that a worker’s exposure may constitute a significant event informs the worker, the employer and the occupational physician.
I.-The employer shall record the date of the significant event, analyse it and implement the appropriate preventive measures required. II.-The employer shall inform the social and economic committee without delay, specifying the presumed causes and the measures envisaged to prevent any recurrence of such events. III.-The employer shall declare each event to the Nuclear Safety Authority, as appropriate, or to the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Officer for installations and…
The Authority referred to in Article R. 4451-77 centralises and verifies the information relating to the significant events reported. It communicates this information to the labour inspection officer referred to in Article L. 8112-1. It sends a report on these declarations at least once a year to the Minister for Labour and to the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire.
I.-When one of the results of individual dosimetric monitoring exceeds one of the limit values laid down in Article R. 4451-6, the dosimetry organisation referred to in I of Article R. 4451-65 shall inform the occupational physician, the radiation protection consultant, the employer and the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire of the dose received by the worker, by name, without delay. When the excess is the result of…
I.-When a worker’s exposure exceeds one of the limit values laid down in articles R. 4451-6, R. 4451-7 and R. 4451-8, the employer shall immediately take steps to: 1° Stop the exposure; 2° Determine as soon as possible the reasons why the limit values were exceeded; 3° Assess the effective and equivalent doses received by the worker and their distribution in the body; 4° Adapt the preventive measures accordingly in…
Any worker whose health status exceeds one of the limit values set out in articles R. 4451-6, R. 4451-7 and R. 4451-8 will benefit from the health monitoring applicable to workers classified in category A for a period of twelve months following the date on which the limit was exceeded.
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