I.-When a worker’s exposure exceeds one of the limit values laid down in articles R. 4451-6, R. 4451-7 and R. 4451-8, the employer shall immediately take steps to:
1° Stop the exposure;
2° Determine as soon as possible the reasons why the limit values were exceeded;
3° Assess the effective and equivalent doses received by the worker and their distribution in the body;
4° Adapt the preventive measures accordingly in order to avoid any further exceedance;
5° Carry out the initial checks provided for in articles R. 4451-40 and R. 4451-44 in order to ensure the effectiveness of the preventive measures that it has implemented, or when the situation concerns a means of transport used during the transport of radioactive material, the checks provided for in 1° and, where applicable, 2° of I of Article R. 4451-44.
II – The employer informs the social and economic committee as well as the labour inspector mentioned in article L. 8112-1 and, as the case may be, the Nuclear Safety Authority or the delegate for nuclear safety and radiation protection for installations and activities of interest to defence, specifying the presumed causes, the circumstances and the measures envisaged to prevent the situation from being repeated.