I.-When one of the results of individual dosimetric monitoring exceeds one of the limit values laid down in Article R. 4451-6, the dosimetry organisation referred to in I of Article R. 4451-65 shall inform the occupational physician, the radiation protection consultant, the employer and the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire of the dose received by the worker, by name, without delay.
When the excess is the result of internal exposure monitoring, the occupational health physician will immediately inform the employer, the radiation protection advisor and the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire of the nature of the exposure.
II – In both cases, the occupational physician will also inform the worker concerned without delay.
III -When the worker works in an establishment outside his company, the occupational physician in charge of monitoring the worker’s state of health will inform the occupational physician of the establishment in which the worker was exposed.