For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply
1° Electromagnetic fields: static electric fields, static magnetic fields and time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields with frequencies ranging from 0 hertz to 300 gigahertz ;
2° Exposure limit value: value expressed, depending on the frequency, in terms of external magnetic induction (B0), internal electric field strength (E), specific absorption rate (SAR), specific absorption (SA) or power density (S);
3° Action value: value expressed, depending on the frequency, in terms of electric field intensity (E) or magnetic induction (B), and the current level, indicated in terms of induced current in the extremities (IL) or contact current (IC);
The action values are the operational exposure levels above which the preventive measures or means provided for in this chapter must be implemented and, for those concerning biophysical effects, below which the exposure limit values are considered to be complied with;
4° Direct biophysical effects: thermal or non-thermal effects on the human body directly caused by its presence in an electromagnetic field. Depending on the level of exposure and the frequency range, a distinction is made between sensory effects and harmful effects on health;
5° Indirect effects: effects caused by the presence of an object in an electromagnetic field which may result in a risk to safety or health.