The employer shall ensure that each worker likely to be exposed to a risk related to electromagnetic fields receives all necessary information and training in relation to the results of the risk assessment carried out in accordance with section 4.
This information and training shall relate in particular to :
1° The characteristics of electromagnetic field emissions ;
2° The direct biophysical effects and indirect effects that may result from exposure to electromagnetic fields;
3° The measures taken in application of section 5 with a view to eliminating or reducing the risks resulting from electromagnetic fields;
4° The precautions to be taken by workers to ensure the protection of their health and safety and that of other workers present in the workplace, in particular the importance of declaring as early as possible to the occupational physician or the health professionals of the occupational health service that they are equipped with medical devices, whether implanted or not, passive or active;
5° The special rules laid down for workers at particular risk referred to in 7° of Article R. 4453-8;
6° The action to be taken in the event of the appearance of sensory or health effects, an accident or exposure in excess of the exposure limit values, as well as the procedures for reporting them.