When carrying out a risk assessment, the employer shall take into consideration :
1° The origin and characteristics of the electromagnetic field emissions present in the workplace ;
2° The exposure limit values and the values triggering action laid down in articles R. 4453-3 and R. 4453-4 ;
3° The results of exposure assessments carried out in application of regulatory provisions relating to limiting public exposure to electromagnetic fields;
4° Information on the emission levels of electromagnetic fields, supplied by the manufacturer of work equipment or medical devices, in application of the technical rules of design or use to which they are subject, or by the manufacturer of equipment designed for public use, if they are used in accordance with their intended purpose;
5° The frequency, level, duration and type of exposure, including the distribution in the worker’s body and in the workspace;
6° Any direct biophysical effects on the worker or any indirect effects that may result from exposure to electromagnetic fields;
7° Any impact on the health and safety of workers under the age of 18 and workers at particular risk, in particular pregnant women and workers fitted with implanted or non-implanted, passive or active medical devices;
8° Information provided by the health professionals referred to in the first paragraph of Article L. 4624-1 concerning the monitoring of the state of health of workers for this type of exposure;
9° The existence of work equipment capable of reducing the level of exposure to electromagnetic fields and likely to be used as an alternative;
10° Simultaneous exposure to multiple frequency fields.