I.-The conduct and supervision, or the execution, of specific pyrotechnic activities, as well as specific maintenance activities or the internal transport of explosive substances or objects, shall only be entrusted to a worker authorised for this purpose by the employer following initial and additional training provided under the conditions defined by II and III of this article in application of article L. 4141-2.
II -Initial safety training is provided by the employer for workers it hires, or temporary workers, who are called upon to lead, supervise or carry out pyrotechnic activities, maintenance activities and activities involving the internal transport of explosive substances or objects.
This training includes :
1° A commentary on the requirements of Articles R. 4462-1 to R. 4462-36 ;
2° A commentary on the general safety instructions provided for in article R. 4462-6, a copy of which is given to each worker undergoing this training.
III-This initial training is supplemented, prior to any assignment to a workstation involving the activities mentioned in the first paragraph, by training specific to that workstation, which includes in particular:
1° A presentation of the workstation(s) and the associated risks ;
2° A commentary on the safety instructions for the installation and the workstation, as provided for in Article R. 4462-7 ;
3° Practical training at the workstation.
IV -On completion of this initial and additional training, and with a view to issuing the authorisation provided for in the first paragraph, the employer will check that the worker has the necessary skills to perform the duties associated with his workstation.
The authorisation is the subject of a document signed by the employer and given to the worker.
Each authorisation is renewed by the employer every five years after he has ensured that the skills of the workers are maintained, taking account in particular of the training they have undergone in application of Article R. 4462-28.