I.-In the case of a multi-employer pyrotechnic site as defined in Article R. 4462-2, the site’s pyrotechnic activities may only be carried out on the basis of an agreement drawn up and concluded by the various employers present.
This agreement defines, in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and all the legislative and regulatory provisions applicable to the activities of the multi-employer pyrotechnic site, the organisation set up on the site between the various employers for :
1° The management of pyrotechnic effects resulting from the coexistence on the site of activities under the responsibility of the various employers and having consequences for the various installations of the multi-employer pyrotechnic site;
2° Emergency management of pyrotechnic risks.
II – An order by the Minister for Employment specifies the content of the agreement, which includes :
1° The operating rules for the consultation and decision-making bodies dealing with health and safety issues on the site;
2° Rules internal to the site where the installations are located;
3° Rules governing access to and traffic on the site;
4° Common procedures for training personnel in site risks;
5° Procedures for resolving any disagreements;
6° The procedures for taking into account changes concerning safety made by one employer that are likely to have an impact on the other employers on the site.
III -The agreement is sent for information to the Regional Director of Companies, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment or to the authority that replaces him in application of articles R. 8111-8 and R. 4462-29.
IV -The employers also jointly draw up, for the multi-employer pyrotechnic site, the general instructions for the site referred to in article R. 4462-6.
V.-The agreement, the procedures and the documents used to verify compliance with the commitments it sets out are incorporated into the safety file defined by article R. 4462-34.
VI.-Each employer present on the multi-employer pyrotechnic site is consulted on the conclusions of each of the safety studies carried out by the employers mentioned in article R. 4462-1 if these show that its workers are exposed to pyrotechnic effects. It consults its social and economic committee on the conclusions of each of these safety studies.
Each employer present on the multi-employer pyrotechnic site is informed of the conclusions of each safety study, in particular on the effect zones and the corresponding risks.