Any change made to the activity or equipment of a pyrotechnic installation, or any change made in the vicinity of a fixed pyrotechnic installation that may have an effect on the prevention and protection measures adopted in this installation, is subject to a safety analysis drawn up by the employer to determine whether or not the change is significant.
A modification is considered significant in the following cases:
1° Presence of new explosive substances or objects at the workstation;
2° A change in the extent of the pyrotechnic effect zones adopted for the pyrotechnic installation in question;
3° Increase in the probability of occurrence of a pyrotechnic event;
4° Creation of a new workstation within the pyrotechnic installation in question;
5° Increase in the number of exposed workers;
6° Creation of a situation of non-compliance.
As soon as a modification is considered significant, each safety study affected by this modification is subject to a new approval, in accordance with the provisions of Article R. 4462-30.
If the modification is not considered significant, the safety analysis drawn up by the employer is added to the safety file defined in Article R. 4462-34.
The employer shall inform the Social and Economic Committee of any safety analysis referred to in this article.