I.-When the workers of an external company carry out a pyrotechnic activity mentioned in article R. 4462-1, within the site of a user company within the meaning of article R. 4511-1, the safety study for this activity is communicated by the employer of the external company to the user company. The conclusions of the safety study carried out by the external company are appended to the prevention plan defined in article R. 4512-6.
If the workers of the external company and those of the user company carry out the same pyrotechnical activity together, a single safety study is drawn up by the employer of the user company and then validated by the employer of the external company.
In all the cases mentioned in the above paragraphs, the social and economic committees of the external company and the user company are consulted on this study.
II-When workers from an external company carry out a non-pyrotechnic activity in a pyrotechnic installation of the user company within the meaning of Article R. 4511-1, the conclusions of the safety study (or studies) of the pyrotechnic activity (or activities) of the pyrotechnic installation are included in the prevention plan defined in Article R. 4512-6.
III -For activities involving the loading and unloading of explosive substances or objects carried out by workers from an external company, the conclusions of the safety study relating to the loading and unloading of explosive substances or objects and the conclusions of the document referred to in Article R. 4462-14 are included in the safety protocol provided for in Article R. 4515-4.
IV – For all the activities mentioned in the first paragraph of Article R. 4462-3 which are carried out on building or civil engineering sites subject to the coordination obligation provided for in Article L. 4532-2, the conclusions of the safety study (or studies) are appended to the specific health and safety protection plan provided for in Article L. 4532-9.