The safety protocol includes the information needed to assess the risks of all kinds generated by the operation, as well as the prevention and safety measures to be observed at each stage of the operation.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title I: Work carried out on an establishment by an external company | Chapter V: Loading and unloading operations | Section 2: Security protocol. | Article R4515-5 of the French Labour Code
The safety protocol includes the information needed to assess the risks of all kinds generated by the operation, as well as the prevention and safety measures to be observed at each stage of the operation.
Le protocole de sécurité comprend les informations utiles à l’évaluation des risques de toute nature générés par l’opération ainsi que les mesures de prévention et de sécurité à observer à chacune des phases de sa réalisation.
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