A worker is authorised within the limits of the duties entrusted to him. The authorisation, issued by the employer, specifies the nature of the operations that the worker is authorised to carry out.
Before issuing the authorisation, the employer must ensure that the worker has received theoretical and practical training that provides him with knowledge of the risks associated with electricity and the measures to be taken to intervene safely when carrying out the operations entrusted to him.
The employer issues, maintains or renews the authorisation in accordance with the procedures contained in the standards referred to in Article R. 4544-3.
The employer shall provide each worker with a book of instructions drawn up on the basis of the relevant provisions of these standards, supplemented, where appropriate, by safety instructions specific to the work performed.
Any worker authorised under this article shall benefit from the reinforced individual monitoring provided for in articles R. 4624-22 to R. 4624-28 in application of II of article R. 4624-23.