I.-The occupational health physician personally carries out all of his duties, within the framework of the tasks defined in article R. 4623-1. These duties are exclusive of any other function in the establishments for which he is responsible and in the inter-company service of which he is an employee.
II – The occupational health physician may, however, entrust, within the framework of written protocols, visits and examinations relating to the individual monitoring of workers to medical assistants and interns in occupational medicine.
The occupational health physician may also entrust, under the same conditions, an occupational health nurse with carrying out the visits and examinations provided for in Chapter IV of Title II of Book VI of Part Four of this Code, with the exception of the medical examination for fitness and its renewal mentioned in articles R. 4624-24 and R. 4624-25 and the medical visit mentioned in article R. 4624-28-1, subject to the following reservations :
1° Opinions, proposals, written conclusions or indications based on medical information may only be issued by the occupational physician;
2° When he considers it necessary for any reason, in particular for the application of 1°, or when the protocol so provides, the nurse will, without delay, refer the worker to the occupational physician, who will then carry out the visit or examination.
III – The occupational health physician may also entrust tasks, excluding those mentioned in II, to staff working in the occupational health and prevention service and, where a multidisciplinary team has been set up, to members of this team.
IV – The tasks delegated under II and III are :
1° Carried out under the responsibility of the occupational physician ;
2° Adapted to the training and skills of the professionals to whom they are entrusted;
3° Carried out within the limits of the respective competences of the health professionals determined by the provisions of the Public Health Code for professions whose conditions of practice come under this code;
4° Implemented in compliance with the multi-annual service project when the tasks are entrusted to members of the multidisciplinary team.