The application for authorisation to dismiss an occupational health physician, to terminate a fixed-term employment contract in the cases provided for in article L. 4623-5-1 as well as the application to record the expiry of the contract in the case provided for in article L. 4623-5-2 shall be sent to the labour inspector responsible for the occupational health and prevention service employing the physician by any means capable of conferring a date certain.
In the event of dismissal, early termination or non-renewal of the fixed-term employment contract, the request shall state the reasons. It shall be accompanied by the minutes of the meeting of the bodies referred to in article R. 4623-18.
The request is sent within fifteen days of the decision of the bodies mentioned in article R. 4623-18.
In the event of a lay-off, these bodies are consulted within ten days of the lay-off.
The request for authorisation for dismissal or for termination of the fixed-term contract before expiry of the term or for non-renewal of the fixed-term contract is sent to the Labour Inspector within forty-eight hours of the decision of the bodies mentioned in article R. 4623-18.