I.-A candidate for ministerial authorisation to practise as a doctor, in the speciality of occupational medicine, as provided for in I of article L. 4111-2 of the Public Health Code, who has passed the knowledge verification tests, may be recruited by an occupational health and prevention service, approved as an extra-hospital organisation hosting trainees enrolled in the specialised diploma in occupational medicine, to carry out the duties required by the provisions of the same article.
These duties are performed on a full-time or part-time basis in accordance with the provisions of the fourth paragraph of I of article L. 4111-2 of the Public Health Code or article 83 of amended law no. 2006-1640 of 21 December 2006 on the funding of social security for 2007.
II-A candidate for authorisation to practice the profession of doctor, in the speciality of occupational medicine, as provided for in II of article L. 4111-2 and in article L. 4131-1-1 of the Public Health Code, who completes an adaptation training period in application of article R. 4111-18 of the same code, may be recruited by an occupational health and prevention service to complete this training period.