The occupational health physician communicates his qualifications to the occupational health medical inspectorate within one month of taking up his post in an occupational health and prevention service.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book VI: Prevention institutions and organisations | Title II: Occupational health and prevention services | Chapter III: Occupational health service staff | Section 1: Occupational physician. | Subsection 2: Recruitment, appointment, assignment and conditions of service. | Paragraph 1: Recruitment. | Article R4623-3 of the French Labour Code
The occupational health physician communicates his qualifications to the occupational health medical inspectorate within one month of taking up his post in an occupational health and prevention service.
Le médecin du travail communique ses titres à l’inspection médicale du travail, dans le mois qui suit son entrée en fonction dans un service de prévention et de santé au travail.
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