I.-The jobs presenting particular risks mentioned in the first paragraph of Article L. 4624-2 are those exposing workers to:
1° Asbestos;
2° Lead under the conditions laid down in Article R. 4412-160 ;
3° Carcinogens, mutagens or agents toxic to reproduction mentioned in Article R. 4412-60 ;
4° to group 3 and 4 biological agents as referred to in article R. 4421-3 ;
5° to ionising radiation;
6° to hyperbaric risk;
7° to the risk of falling from a height during scaffolding assembly and dismantling operations.
II – Special risks also apply to any position for which assignment to it is subject to a specific aptitude test provided for in this code.
III.If he deems it necessary, the employer will add to the list of jobs in the categories mentioned in I. jobs presenting particular risks to the health or safety of the worker or to that of his colleagues or third parties in the immediate working environment mentioned in the first paragraph of Article L. 4624-2, after consulting the doctor(s) concerned and the social and economic committee if there is one, in line with the risk assessment provided for in Article L. 4121-3 and, where applicable, the company sheet provided for in Article R. 4624-46. This list is sent to the occupational health and prevention service, made available to the regional director of companies, competition, consumption, work and employment and to the prevention services of the social security bodies and updated every year. The employer must give written reasons for including any position on this list.
IV – The Conseil d’orientation des conditions de travail (Working Conditions Advisory Council) is consulted every three years on any updating of the list referred to in I of this article.