For the purposes of organising the visit provided for in article L. 4624-2-1, the employer shall inform his occupational health and prevention service, as soon as he is aware of it, of the cessation of exposure of one of the company’s workers to particular health or safety risks justifying enhanced individual monitoring, of his departure or of his retirement. It shall immediately notify the worker concerned of the transmission of this information.
When a worker considers that he meets the conditions defined in article R. 4624-28-1 and has not been notified of the transmission of this information by the employer, he may, during the month preceding the date of cessation of exposure or his departure and up to six months after cessation of exposure, request to benefit from this visit directly from his occupational health and prevention service. He must inform his employer of his request.
Informed of the cessation of exposure, the departure or the retirement of the worker, the occupational health and prevention service determines, by any means, whether the worker fulfils the conditions defined in article R. 4624-28-1 and organises the visit when it considers them to be fulfilled.