The occupational physician may only declare the worker medically unfit for his workstation if:
1° If he has carried out at least one medical examination of the person concerned, accompanied, where applicable, by additional examinations, enabling a discussion on the measures for adapting, adapting or transferring the position or the need to propose a change of position;
2° If he has carried out or commissioned a study of this position;
3° If he has carried out or commissioned a study of the working conditions in the establishment and indicated the date on which the company sheet was updated;
4° If he has exchanged views, by any means, with the employer.
These exchanges with the employer and the worker allow them to make their observations on the opinions and proposals that the occupational physician intends to make.
If the doctor considers that a second examination is necessary in order to gather the information needed to justify his decision, he will carry out this second examination within a period not exceeding fifteen days after the first examination. Notification of the medical opinion that the employee is unfit for work is given on this date at the latest.
The occupational physician may state in this opinion that keeping the employee in a job would be seriously detrimental to his health or that the employee’s state of health prevents him from being reclassified in a job.