The Conseil d’Orientation des Conditions de Travail (Working Conditions Advisory Council) reports to the Minister for Labour.
I.-It participates in the development of public policy guidelines in the fields of health and safety at work and the improvement of working conditions, in particular national action strategies and draft international strategies and instruments. This participation may take the form of submitting opinions and proposals in the areas for which it is responsible and, to this end, carrying out studies or drawing up specific reports.
II – It is consulted on draft legislative and regulatory texts that contribute to the implementation of these public policies:
1° Draft laws or ordinances relating to the protection and promotion of health and safety at work in the establishments mentioned in articles L. 4111-1 and L. 4111-3 ;
2° Draft decrees and orders issued under Part Four of this Code or in application of the texts mentioned in 1° above;
3° Draft decrees and orders issued in application of the legislative provisions of Chapters V, VI and VII of Title I of Book VII of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code.
On behalf of the Minister for Agriculture, it is the body referred to in article R. 717-74 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code consulted on draft regulations applicable to the agricultural professions and on national priorities in occupational health and safety in accordance with article D. 717-33 of this code.