I.-Each of the Council’s configurations, with the exception of the National Committee for Prevention and Health at Work, comprises:
1° The college of ministerial departments;
2° The college of social partners, comprising an equal number of employee and employer representatives;
3° The college of national social security, expertise and prevention bodies;
4° The college of qualified personalities.
II -The National Committee for Prevention and Health at Work comprises:
1° The college of social partners, comprising an equal number of employee and employer representatives;
2° The college of ministerial departments and national social security bodies.
III – The members of the colleges mentioned in 2° and 4° of I and in 1° of II are appointed to the various configurations of the Council by order of the Minister for Labour, and by joint order of the Minister for Labour and the Minister for Agriculture for the specialised commission responsible for issues relating to agricultural activities.
They are appointed following each four-yearly measurement of the audience of trade union organisations and professional employers’ organisations organised in application of articles L. 2122-9 and L. 2152-4, within four months of the publication of the last of the two decrees, provided for in articles L. 2122-11 and L. 2152-6, establishing the list of organisations recognised as representative at national and cross-industry level.
For each member of the college mentioned in 2° of I and 1° of II, two alternates are appointed under the same conditions.