The Agence nationale pour l’amélioration des conditions de travail may set up regional offices.
Each regional directorate is supported by a regional joint body which participates, in collaboration with the regional director, in defining its guidelines. The joint body adopts the annual regional action programme in line with the national programme. It draws up its rules of procedure in accordance with the provisions of the charter referred to in article R. 4642-4.
The regional joint body comprises at most and in equal numbers for each of the colleges:
1° Ten representatives of employee trade union organisations ;
2° Ten representatives of professional employers’ organisations.
The distribution of seats within these two colleges is determined taking into account:
the representativeness of employers’ professional organisations and employees’ trade union organisations at national and cross-industry level;
-where applicable, the representativeness of other organisations at regional level.
The regional prefect sets the number of members of the body by decree and appoints them for a renewable term of three years.
If the members mentioned in 1° and 2° of this article are unable to attend, they may be represented by a substitute from the same organisation appointed under the same conditions. When the titular member is present, the alternate member may attend meetings of the body without voting rights.
Each of the employee trade union organisations and each of the professional employers’ organisations fills the seats allocated to it in accordance with the principle of parity between men and women. If there is an odd number of seats to be filled, the difference between the number of women and the number of men may not exceed one.
A maximum total of five observer members without voting rights may also attend meetings of the regional joint body. These members are appointed by order of the Regional Prefect on the recommendation of the Regional Director for a renewable term of three years.