In its deliberations, the Board of Directors sets the Agency’s general guidelines. In addition to the powers conferred on it by Title III of Decree no. 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on public budgetary and accounting management, it deliberates in particular on:
1° Multiannual strategic objectives, in particular those set out in the Contract of Objectives and Performance between the Agency and the State;
2° The agency’s work programme;
3° The general organisation of the agency and its internal rules of procedure;
4° The agency’s budget and any amendments to it, the financial account, the allocation of profits, the employment table and loans;
5° The general conditions of employment and recruitment of staff;
6° Acquisitions, disposals, exchanges of real estate and leases concerning the agency;
7° Acceptance or refusal of gifts and bequests;
8° Approval of partnership agreements where the revenue they generate exceeds an amount set by the Board of Directors;
9° Participation in a public interest group or any other body.
In addition, the Board of Directors adopts the charter setting out the relations between the Agency, its regional divisions and the regional joint bodies referred to in Article R. 4642-2.
It authorises the Director General to take legal action.
It gives an opinion on any question submitted to it by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or by the Minister for Employment and, where applicable, by other ministers.